Cairo-Book Review

Cairo is fast-moving and intriguing. Liz’s friends, Addie and Gary, are missing in Egypt. She and Addie’s cousin, Donnie, travel to Cairo to find and bring them home. This story is full of adventure in which the author weaves in historical facts and traditions. Liz finds herself in an unusual and unexpected romance, enticing the reader. The future of Egypt is at stake. Do they find Addie and Gary? How is it all intertwined? Read Cairo and find out. 1002980_10200953150844533_441950500_n

This entry was posted on August 12, 2013. 1 Comment

Break Every Chain

There is power in the name of Jesus to Break Every Chain. I have seen and experienced many chains broken through the power of Jesus.Watch this video and be encouraged.

There is power in the name of Jesus
To Break Every Chain
There’s an army rising
To Break Every Chain

From Jesus Culture Lyrics-Break Every Chain

Out Of The Dark


Out of the Dark/ Linda Caine and Robin Royston

Out Of The Dark is a compelling read. It is a true story of Linda’s struggle to find out why she suddenly started fearing life. Linda and her therapist, Dr. Robin Royston, take a journey of discovery through Africa, England, and the United States,revealing many layers of lost memories. Out Of The Dark reads like a thrilling mystery with a triumphant ending.

Out Of The Dark sat as number one on the best-selling list for eight months in the United Kingdom.

You can learn more about Linda and read an excerpt from her book at


This entry was posted on July 30, 2013. 1 Comment

Canvas of My Life


My life is but a weaving
between my God and me
I do not choose the colors
He worketh endlessly
Oftimes He weaveth sorrow
And I, in foolish pride
Forget He sees the upper
And I, the underside
Not ’til the loom is silent
And the shuffles cease to fly
Will God unroll the canvas
And explain the reason why
The dark threads are as needful
In the skillful weaver’s hand
As the threads of gold and silver
In the pattern He has planned.
Author Unknown

This entry was posted on July 16, 2013. 2 Comments

Celebrate America!

I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.


Happy Fourth of July!


The Black Stallion

The Black Stallion
By Joe Howard

He was wild and free.
Small, muscular, hoofed.
Ranged far and wide.
Knew no boundaries.
Except those of hunger,
fatigue, disease.

Wild he was.
Strong he was.
Free he runs.
Fearless he was.

Till they trapped him.
Threw him off his feet.
Tied his legs.
Dropped a tarp over him.
Beat the fight out of him.

Then they pulled the tarp off.
Burned him with their brand.
Took the bindings from his legs.
Jerked him back upright.
Saddles him, drove him,
fed him, drove him.
Until the memory
of what he’d been
was lost in the pain.

Time passed.
And he grew old.
Grey. Spindly.
No longer usable.
Worthless to them.

Feed cost.
So they took him back.
To where they’d found him.
Cast him out.
On old ground.
To face what was now strange.

Alone, he stood…For a while.
Alone, he did not move…For a while.
Then, deep within, memory stirred.
And his head lifted.

His eye caught sight of sky.
Of peak. Of wild others.
not yet dead.
Rose to see, not yet down.
Moved to explore, not yet lame.

Life returned…Gently…Gently
And the old black stallion
heard his heart beat…once more.

The old black stallion found his
soul…once more.
Knew he was alive…once more.
Knew he was free…once more.
Knew he was home…once more.

This entry was posted on June 24, 2013. 1 Comment

The Bible-It is a book full of Second Chances!

In regard to this great book [The Bible], I have but to say it is the best gift God has given to man. All the good Savior gave to the world was communicated through this Book. But for it we could not know right from wrong. All things most desirable for man’s welfare, here and hereafter, are found portrayed in it. -Abraham Lincoln

The Bible-A good place to start when needing a second chance.

This entry was posted on June 17, 2013. 2 Comments

Kids On A Mission

Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity. 1 Timothy 4:12

Meet Katlin and friends!

In 2008 Katlin was eight years old when her parents took her to visit the old motel that would be transformed into a shelter for homeless women and their children. It would be called Rescue The Children and become part of the Fresno Rescue Mission, where her dad worked.

“Where will the children play?” Katlin asked, looking around. “There is no playground.”

Katlin had an idea. She would give her money to help build a fun place for the children to play and invite her friends to do the same.

As a result Kids On A Mission was found to encourage Kids to UNITE, to SERVE less fortunate kids, and to GIVE. Through the efforts of Kaitlin, her sisters, their friends, and kids they recruited, over seventy-six thousand dollars was raised. It took less than five years of fund raisers and spreading the word through presentations to reach their goal. Hundreds if not thousands of Kids gave and so did their parents, grandparents, and friends they made.

Today the play ground is a reality. Kids On A Mission is currently planning the next project.

Dedication: June 8

Playground-Kaitlin-and some of the kids who made it happen. See Below


Guest Post-Dr. Lon W Flippo

DSCF9327Guest Post by Dr. Lon W Flippo-Calling all parents who need a Second Chance A website of information and support for parents of children birth through adult.

By Dr. Lon W Flippo

Exhaustion, deep utter exhaustion, hit me like bricks tumbling off a truck. I am ready for bed.

My teeth brushed, my face washed, I ignore my book on the nightstand and click off the light.

“Good night, honey.”

“Good night, my love.”

Within seconds sleep took my body.

The dream settled upon me like darkness at the day’s end. Without warning I was transported to a place I knew not, a time unknown to me. A situation that seemed strangely familiar yet elusive to my mind. The phone rang and I heard the words, “Daddy, I’m in trouble!”

“What’s happening honey,” I whispered to my daughter, “where are you?”

“I don’t know, I’m so strung out. I’m in some strange house and I’m locked in a bedroom.”

“Do you have any idea where you are?”

“I think I’m in Santa Clara. That’s the last thing I remember. I’m scared, Daddy. Please come and get me.”

“Okay, I’m leaving now, call me back as soon as you figure out where you are.”

“I love you daddy.”

“I love you too.” The phone went silent and my mind raced as I quickly grabbed clothes and keys and began explaining the situation to my wife.

Hours passed and we never heard back from our daughter. Calls to her cell phone went immediately to voice mail. Calls to friends proved equally fruitless.

Nobody had heard or seen from our daughter. They were only sorry to hear that she was missing. Questions flooded our mind, and conversation, as we cried and talked, yelled and cried some more.

Everyone does it. They play the blame game. Only it’s not a game. Something is terribly wrong and you are helpless to stop it.

Our worst nightmare had come true. Our daughter was a drug addict. She had turned her back on everything we taught her, everything we believed in, everything we hoped for her.

Simply stated, our daughter had rejected her heritage, her goals, her dreams, our goals and our dreams. She had lost her senses.

Our daughter was in the purest form a prodigal.

I felt my head spinning and darkness began closing in on me, suddenly gasping for air I bolted straight up out of bed. Disoriented, a sense of panic consumes me. My sheets soaked with sweat I realize it was only a dream. Slowly I lay my head down on the pillow; frustrated I throw off the hot sheets desperate to breathe.

My mind slowly begins replaying the dream, sequence by sequence. It seemed so real, so true. That incredibly creepy feeling that seeps into the pores of your being and you swear you’ve been there before. The realization that you know the story, and the details, causes you to question whether it was reality or conjecture.

As my mind works through the events I become satisfied that it was only a dream. I slowly give way to the darkness that still lingers in my room and once again, against my will, sleep resumes its determined pattern.

My phone is ringing; I can hear it buzzing by the nightstand. Groggily I pull it to my ear, press the answer button and mumble, “Hello.”

“Daddy. I’m in trouble.”


Where did it go wrong? Was it one specific event or a series of challenges? When did the scales of hope turn to dismay? Was it controlled free will or unlimited freedom? Stifling discipline or permissiveness? Opportunities to learn responsibility, or unchecked apathy? Respect for self, others, and society, or selfishness running rampant? Did we love too much or not enough?

Questions, questions, always questions and none too few answers.

Read and learn more at Dr. Lon’s website